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(1) Describe the following items from the article: Discuss thearticle title including type of study, health issue, and populationto be studied. [ONLY analyze the title.].
(2) Describe any missing or weak elements in the abstract(purpose, design, sample, data collection, and key results). [ONLYanalyze the abstract.].
(3) List one example of an empirical study and one theoreticalarticle (or book) described in the literature review in thearticle. In one or two sentences, say what that empirical studyfound, and what the theory is about.
(4) Briefly describe (in one paragraph) what is known and notknown about the research problem as the authors describe it intheir literature review.
(5) Discuss at least one strength of, and any weaknesses orproblems with, the literature review done by the authors in thisarticle.