Ontario does not have mandated nurse-to-patient ratios butresearch has established a best practice ratio of 1:4 (one RN forevery four patients) in hospital medicine and surgery units. Somecommunity hospitals have nurse-to-patient ratios are as high as 1:6during the day and 1:7 during the night shifts and 1:9 duringovernight shifts on medicine and surgery units.
Lack of funding was the reason hospitals gave for theseextremely high patient ratios. This means that patients in theseunits are at risk because there is extensive research evidence thatshows improved outcomes for patients who receive more hours of RNcare. In short, a large body of literature demonstrates that higherRN ratios result in the provision of high-quality care. (ONA,2016).
Using course material and other relevant resources, includingBest Practices and Leadership actions and standards, provide ameaningful answer to the following:
- Explain the link between risk management and patientsafety.
- Why do patient safety risks increase when the nurse to patientratio increases?
- Explain the relationship between quality improvement inhealthcare and staffing ratios.
- What activities could the team leader promote to improvepatient safety with existing staff ratios?
- What staffing safety measurement policies does a hospital needto be accredited?
- How can more RN hours of care positively impact adverseoutcomes for patients?
- How can more RN hours reduce costs for our health caresystem?
- Find and explain a Canadian research study that supports nurseto patient ratios?
- Find and explain a Canadian hospital policy the supportspatient safety with nurse to patient ratios for staffing?