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Page Wound Care Case Study A 74-year-old male who had been admitted to the hospital due to generalized weakness, with dry chapped lips, alert to name with a sacral pressure ulcer that measured 1.5 x 3 cm. On the forearms were clinical signs of wounds, including skin atrophy, and skin lacerations. The patient had not previously used, or been administered, corticosteroids. Patient has been in this condition for a week. Urine is dark yellow, about 15 ml over two hours. Albumin level – 2.8 g/dl. Vital signs BP 100/78 RR 16 Temp. 38.8 HR 102 Pain 8/10 No known allergies Past medical History: HTN, Diabetes Past surgical history: None Based on the vitals signs mentioned what is your concern for the patient? MacBook Air Based on the vitals signs mentioned what is your concern for the patient? Nursing Diagnosis in Priority order. Nm 4 What interventions would you initiate? Independent: Dependent Describe the wounds? SA MacBook Air god OGO F FB TVO $ $ % 8 Describe the wounds? Staging A Staging B Describe • Stage 1 wound . Stage 11 Stage 111 Stage 1 Unistageable MacBook 80 Con
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