Pap smear screening is currently the accepted method for earlydetection of cervical cancer and women with abnormal Pap smearresult are referred for a colposcopy for definitive diagnosis (goldstandard for having high-grade lesions or not). To see whetherrepeat Pap screening would reduce the number of unnecessaryreferrals, 110 women with abnormal Pap (to the first Pap smear)were given both a second Pap smear and colposcopy. The colposcopyshowed that 13 women had high-grade lesions and 97 did not. Theresult of the second Pap smear was abnormal for 12 of the womenwith high-grade lesions and abnormal for 72 without high-gradelesions.
a. Create the 2×2 table.
- Calculate and interpret the sensitivity of this screeningtest
- Calculate and interpret the specificity of this screeningtest
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