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Patient- 30-year-old man arrived at the clinic with severe stomach pain after eating. He also complained of hip pain during the last several weeks. His doctor found on physical examination that he had an enlarged spleen. A complete blood count was performed on the automated hematology analyzer RBC 2.96 WBC= 230.0 Hemoglobin = 9.9 Hematocrit = 30.2 Platelet-105 WBC/PLT Histogram is giving abnormal flags RBC Histogram is giving abnormal flags Differential Count: Segmented Neutrophils – 30 Band Neutrophils = 22 Metamyelocytes 10 Myelocytes 7 Promyelocytes 4 Blasts 1 Basophils 7 Eosinophils=2 Lymphocytes=17 NRBC’s/100 cels 3 RBC Morphology: 2+ aniso, 1+ polychromasia, 1+ polk
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