Patient Situation

Ivan Benjamin has just been admitted to an orthopedic unit afteran automobile accident. He was the driver of the vehicle. Mr.Benjamin is 80 years old and has been living at home. Hispre-existing comorbidities are type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis.He has casts and traction on both legs and a cast on one arm. He isreceiving morphine sulfate intravenously via a PCA(patient-controlled analgesia) pump. Imagine that you are anorthopedic nurse and must plan care for Mr. Benjamin. The admittingnurse wrote the following nursing diagnoses and goals on the planof care:


1. Acute Pain secondary to musculoskeletal trauma (arms, legs,body) and muscle spasm ■ Demonstrates correct use of PCA pump ■Rates pain not higher than 4 on a scale of 1 to 10 at all times

2. Risk for Impaired Peripheral Neurovascular Function secondaryto casts/traction ■ Peripheral pulses palpable ■ Fingers and toeswarm ■ Fingers and toes without pallor or cyanosis ■ No edema offingers and toes ■ Capillary refill less than 3 seconds.

Guidelines • Your initial response should be reflectingon the questions below :


1. Theoretical Knowledge: What general theoretical knowledgewill you need to care for this patient?

2. Critical Thinking (Considering Alternatives): Older adultsare especially sensitive to certain medications, including morphinesulfate. What is one thing you could do to ensure Mr. Benjamin’ssafety while managing his acute pain?

3. Critical Thinking (Inquiry): List at least two more thingsyou need to know about Mr. Benjamin to begin his dischargeplanning.


4. Practical Knowledge: What general practical knowledge willyou need? What would you do to obtain this knowledge?

5. Nursing Process: a. Diagnosis: What is another nursingdiagnosis you might want to assess for Mr. Benjamin? b. PlanningGoals: On the care plan, rewrite the goals/expected outcomes forAcute Pain so that they will have all the required components.Assume that today’s date is January 4.


6. Self-Knowledge: What beliefs, values, biases, or emotionalresponses might interfere with your ability to provide the bestcare to Mr. Benjamin?


7. Think critically about the context. Is there anything in thissituation that you have seen before? Identify any familiarelements. For example, you may have an older male relative, even ifyou have never cared for an 80-year-old patient before.

Please help me with this assignment ASAP. Thank You

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