PCC. What should be the priority teching for olivia Jones include?
PCC/1 Olivia Jones was placed on magnesium sulfate of herpreeclampsia. What are the indicstions for this drug, and whatshould be taught to the patient regarding side effects?
T&C What key elemetns would you include in the handoffreport for this patient? Consider thesituation-background-assesment-recommendtion (SBAR) format.
S What safety measures should be initiated while Olivia Jonesis in the hospital?
S/QI Based on your experience with Olivia Jones’s case,reflect on possible nursing actions for enhanced safety and qualityimprovement.
Concluding Questions
Refleting on Oliva Jones’s case, were there any actions youwould do differently? Explain.
Describe how you would apply the knowledge and skills that youobtained in Olivia Jones’s case to an actual patient caresituation.
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