Peter is 74 and has Parkinson’s disease. He resides in his ownhome in the community. When the support worker arrives, she findsthat Peter has left all his washing in the basket in the laundry.When the worker asks Peter why he hasn’t hung out the washing, hetells her that he can’t lift the sheets and towels onto the clothesline because they are too heavy.

1. What equipment, aids or support strategies would help Peterto remain living as independently as possible at home?

Juno is 32 and lives in a unit in the community. She shares therental property with a male friend, Sean. Juno is becoming veryfrail, has Fragile X Syndrome (a genetic disorder that results in arange of developmental, physical and behavioural problems) andexperiences episodes of schizophrenia if she doesn’t maintain hermedication routine.

The support worker attends in the mornings to support her to getout of bed and shower and dress each day, as well as to ensure shehas taken her medication. The worker has recently noticed that Junois rapidly losing weight. The worker also notices a pattern of Junonot having food in the unit and that she seems to become very tearywhenever the worker asks her what meals she has had or asks whenJuno intends to shop for groceries.

Sean often sits quietly in the lounge and Juno glances in hisdirection whenever the worker raises the issue of not enough food.Juno eventually states that she has no money to buy food, eventhough her pension went into her bank account that morning.

1. a) What risks are impacting on Juno’s mental health in thissituation?

b) What protective factors are helping to prevent a furtherdecline in Juno’s health and wellbeing in this situation?

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