Pharmacology Scenario 1: Junetta Cooper
Guided Reflection Questions

Opening Questions
How did the simulated experience of Junetta Cooper’s case make youfeel?
Tell me the actions you felt went well within this scenario.
Reflecting on Junetta Cooper’s case, were there any actions youwould do differently if you were to repeat thisscenario?  If so, how would your patient care change?

Scenario Analysis Questions
PCC   What priority problem(s) did you identify forJunetta Cooper? Chest tightness
PCC   Identify Junetta Cooper’s risk factors specific tocardiovascular disease.
S/PCC   What potential problem could arise fromsublingual nitroglycerin therapy, and what teaching should beincluded specific to this potential problem?
PCC/EBP   Discuss the potential synergistic effect(s) ofJunetta Cooper’s medication, and identify the potential side effectthis could cause.
T&C   What other interprofessional team membersshould be involved in Junetta Cooper’s care?

Concluding Questions
Describe how you would apply the knowledge and skills that youobtained in Junetta Cooper’s case to an actual patient caresituation.

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