Pleas “IN YOUR OWN WORDS” Respond to the passage below in atleast 5 sentences. Give your thoughts and opinion. Do you agree ordisagree? Why or Why not?

Ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke and caused bya blood clot that blocks a blood vessel within the brain,preventing blood flow to the brain, which is what happened in Ms.Rowena case (MedlinePlus, 2021); the patient experienced slurredspeech, facial drooping and weakness in her right arm which meansshe had a left-side stroke and those are clinical manifestations ofan ischemic stroke.

Hemorrhagic stroke is bleeding and occurs when a weakened bloodvessel ruptures, which can happen between the brain and the skull,and the common cause is uncontrolled high blood pressure (HarvardHealth, n.d.). A hemorrhagic stroke has a 30% mortality rate, andthe prognosis depends on the age, location, and size of thehemorrhage (Copstead & Banasik, 2019).

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