Please Answer these Questions

A. Sociology adds value to health studies because unlikeother disciplines it tends to focus on:

Select one:

2. How people’s understanding of illness is sociallyconstructed

3. How political decisions and public policy action can affectconditions for health

4. How individual behavior causes health problems

B. Post-modern critical studies criticize:

Select one:

1. Marxist theories

2. Psychosocial theories

3. Dominant power structures and relationships

c. Speech patterns are considered ___ if they show ahierarchical organization or power differences between the peoplewho are talking.

Select one:

1. Traditional

2. Alternative

3. Asymmetrical

D. In disease ecology, the contribution of geography is to:

Select one:

2. Stop the disease cycle through medical treatment

3. Identify places that have the right environmental conditionsfor outbreaks of the disease

4. Develop public policies to prevent transmission of thedisease

E. Canada’s health system provides good care for people withacute illness, but struggles with:

Select one:

1. Home and community-based care for preventing and managingchronic conditions

2. Hospital-based care for injuries

4. Diagnostic services like laboratory or ultrasound

F.___ can show how educational materials sometimes reproducesocial stigma through the use of dominant stereotypes andmetaphors

Select one:

1. Ethnography

2. Discourse analysis

4. Semiotics

G.Intersectionality focuses on categories of

Select one:

2. Socioeconomic status

3. Multiple categories associated with health inequity

4. Ethnicity

H. According to the Convention on Economic, Social and CulturalRights, part of the international framework of human rights law,governments are NOT obligated to provide:

Select one:

2. Maternal, child, and reproductive health

3. Access to all available medications

4. Prevention and control of diseases

I. How does single-payer health insurance work?

Select one:

a. Health insurance individuals can opt to buy of their ownvolition

c. The government pays all health care providers directly fortheir services

d. Patients pay for a portion of their services while insurerscover the remaining charges

e. The fee for service is paid by the patient

J. Advertising may use semiotics when it appeals to:

Select one:

1. Images that have internalized, unconscious meaning for manypeople

3. Medical expertise and advice

4. Emotional stories from patient experience

K. Jordan’s Principle says that in the case of disputes betweenfederal and provincial health programs about coverage of healthservice for Indigenous children, the ___ pays for the service, andworks out jurisdictional issues after.

Select one:

1. The welfare state

3. Non-insured health benefits

4. Government of the first contact

L. Which of these is NOT associated with a culture ofbiomedicine?

Select one:

1. It fixes people’s physical problems

3. It is good at treating complex, multi-causal healthproblems

4. It can increase longevity and improve people’s quality oflife

M. When governments make decisions to reduce health services inorder to meet expenses without raising taxes, this is known as:

Select one:

1. Cost-benefit analysis

2. Rationing

4. Power structured relationships

N.Which of the following is NOT an example of how culture caninfluence health behavior

Select one:

1. An ethnic group has a tendency to prefer salty or fattyfood

2. A patient does not take her medicine because she can’t affordit

4. People raised with traditional health beliefs try thosemethods first before going to the doctor

5. Young women try dieting or more extreme means to staythin

O. ___ rejects the idea of one dominant ideology or set of normsand recognizes a plurality of knowledge sources and influence

Select one:

1. Anthropology

2. Post modernism

4. Culture

P. The sub-discipline of ____ is primarily concerned withdecision-making in government

Select one:

1. Health economics

3. Medical sociology

4. Policy studies

Q. How are health programs in First Nation communities the sameas provincial health programs in non-First Nation communities?

Select one:

2. First Nations people do not have to pay to get surgery or seespecialists in a hospital

3. Funding for health programs in First Nations is provided on aper capita basis (ie according to the size of the population)

4. First Nations people can get coverage for drugs or healthsupplies from non-insured health benefits.

R. Which ideology tends to be more supportive of taxation?

Select one:

1. Socialist

2. Neoliberal

4. Corporatist

S. ___ is an example of the coercive power of government

Select one:

1. Policing and corrections

3. Economic analysis

4. Socio economic status

T. Intersectionality can be a useful framework for public healthbecause:

Select one:

1. It focuses primarily on political and economic structures

2. it provides a better way to understand people’s realexperiences than just using one or two categories

3. It is an easy way to collect and analyze data oninequities

U. According to the Canada Health Act, why is dental care notcovered by government health insurance?

Select one:

1. Dental care is not provided in a hospital

3. Most people have private insurance for dental care

4. Dental care is not medically necessary to maintain health orprevent disease


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