Question: Please show a similar “Z scheme of electron transfer” of
photosynthesis and the hill reaction as …

Please show a similar “Z scheme of electron transfer” of
photosynthesis and the hill reaction as the one below, but that
shows where DCMU and Ammonia act to inhibit photosynthesis.
Question: Please show a similar "Z scheme of electron transfer" ofphotosynthesis and the hill reaction as ...

Show transcribed image text erredoxin NADPH Plastoquinon 2e P. 700 Photosystem I photons 680 H20–> 2,– Photosystem II photons 1/2 02 63

erredoxin NADPH Plastoquinon 2e P. 700 Photosystem I photons 680 H20–> 2,– Photosystem II photons 1/2 02 63

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