
Guidance:Include legal information as necessary.

• Includeinformation about incident reporting and privacy requirements ofpersonal information • For the emergency and procedure please referto information at Three simple checks to support your residents –for personal care workers in residential aged care @ any form of restraint or restrictive practice e.g.seclusion, must follow legislative requirements…what are these?Some information can be found here @

Every clinicalspecialist in handling AB cases will be trained on soft defensiveinterventions to keep them from danger in handling suchpatients.

Those who break therule of soft-defensive protocols will be faced with disciplinaryactions.

De-escalation skillsshould always precede any move to reach a mentally challenged andaggressive patient. If the skills fail, the healthcare providershould connect with the team at the center for backup but not usenaysayers.

All de-escalationexperts and nurses will be fitted with Body-Worn Camera in theirofficial uniform. If the BWC is missing for any specialist on duty,he or she shall be suspended for exposing his safety.

Legal Guidance

1)      De-escalation skills will beacquired under the security protocols and regulation of safetydefense offered by the Federal Self Defense Laws.

2)   Thesurveillance rules and State Public Disclosure Laws will beemployed to unmask the incidence of a nurse who misuses theself-defense and de-escalation skills.

A breach of the dutyof confidence can have a number of consequences. For example, itmay lead to: Disciplinary action by the employer of the person whomade the disclosure. Legal action claiming damages (compensation)against the person who made the disclosure and/or his or heremployer.

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