Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a recognized complication ofnon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Stress ulcers are aconcern for intensive care unit (ICU) patients; PUD is also anissue for patients taking anticoagulation. Helicobacterpylori test and treat is an option for patients starting NSAIDtherapy, and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may reduce PUD in NSAIDpatients and other high-risk groups.
- Read the Journal Who Needs Gastroprotection in 2020?(Links to an external site.) by Takeshi Kanno and PaulMoayyedi.
- Introduction
- State the topic of the publication and its general thesis togive the reader a context for the publication. This could cover themain themes of the publication, and give an overview as to thegeneral subject matter
- Summary and Development
- This section should outline how the author develops these keythemes and what the reviewer has learned from them.
- Publication authors’ arguments have to me made clear beforeyour own reviewing, criticizing or evaluation is attempted. Yourarguments have to be supported by relevant literature, quotes frompublication or your own experience.
- At this point you should state whether or not you agree ordisagree with the authors, and if you found it useful in yourreflection on the development of arguments in your own practicearea. It is important to show that you understand the content ofthe article and that you have engaged with it to think criticallyabout your own viewpoints. Furthermore, if you have identified anygaps in authors’ handling or analysis of the topic, please indicateyour view point in this section.
- Conclusion
- This should sum up the main points from the previous sectionand should include but not limited to:
- Summary of your assessment of the material
- Reflections on the extent the publication contributed to yourown understanding of the topic
- Importance of the topic to nursing/healthcare practice andresearch
- This should sum up the main points from the previous sectionand should include but not limited to:
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