q3. a) Briefly describe the purpose of a code of conduct,then
b) Refer to your workplace code of conduct and list theprofessional conduct you are expected to practice. Alternatively,you may refer to the NDIS Code of Conduct (Workers).
q4. a) briefly describe the purpose of the DisabilityDiscrimination Act 1992 (Cth)
b)list at least 4 areas it is unlawful to discriminate againstpeople on the ground of their disability
q5. Briefly describe the basic ideas outlined in the UnitedNations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
(Although this link has come via the Australian Human RightsCommission website, the appropriate term is ‘people withdisability’ (not ‘disabled people’))
q7. a) Research and provide at least 6 types ofincidents that must be reported to the NDIS Commission inconnection with providing services to a person with disability.
b) Within what timeframe must most incidents be reported?