
– What do you think is the problem?

– What factors are contributing to thisproblem?

– Help the client develop a plan to help with stress topromote sleep.

Patient history:

Sharon Higgins, DOB 01/03/80

Diagnosis: Asthma

Meds: flucasone propinate 115 mcg, salmeterol 21 mcg 2 puffstwice a day, montelukast 10mg one tab a night, multidose vitamin,albuterol inhaler.

Vitals: 120/68, hr 80, rr 20

Assessment: no abnormalities

Pt interview:

Sharon: I just came in for a shot and became abasket case. I am sorry. I’m OK.
Nurse: What is making you so stressed?
Sharon: I am so busy with the kids and work. Ican’t sleep, my mind is racing with everything I
did during the day and everything I have to do tomorrow.
Nurse: We are concerned because you look so tired.We want to help if we can.
Sharon: I can’t sleep at night. I try, but my mindraces when I think of everything I need to do. I
don’t think you can hire me a nanny.
Nurse: I understand how you are busy; you have somuch to do with the kids and work. Tell
me, how do you feel when you don’t sleep?
Sharon: I am so tired. I feel nauseated and can’teat. I try to take naps, but they make me feel
Nurse: Napping can sometimes help but it doesn’talways. I would like to get a better idea
about your sleep patterns. Is that OK? I know you’re busy, but thiscan help. When do you go to
sleep and wake up?
Sharon: I don’t really sleep but I try to go tobed around midnight and get up at 5:00 am.
Nurse: How many hours do you sleep?
Sharon: Maybe 2-3 hours total, if I’m lucky.
Nurse: How would you rate the quality of yoursleep on a scale of one to ten?
Sharon: Honestly a one. I can’t fall asleep andthen when I do it’s only for short time before I
wake up again. My mind just races.
Nurse: Sorry for all the questions. I want tounderstand how things are going. I see, things are
Sharon: Yes, and my family means well by tellingme how to make life easier, but no one steps
in to help. They think I should stop the kid’s sports activities.But is that fair to them? The kids
do one activity apiece.
Nurse: How old are the children?
Sharon: ” 7, 9, and 11.”
Nurse: What a beautiful family. It sounds like ittakes a lot of organization.
Sharon: Yes, I have a master calendar. My husbandand kids all have their calendars, even the
seven-year-old. Then we are on the same page with activities andwhen I have to bring them.
Nurse: It sounds like you have your familyorganized. That’s great. What about your personal
calendar, do you have time for yourself?
Sharon: With everything going on I don’t get tohave time for myself. That’s what being a mom
is, right?

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