Rather than exploring the results, qualitative research exploresthe ____________.
a. Process
b. Triangulation
c. Saturation
d. Smaller
Validity is reached when the researcher reaches the point of____________. (pg 87
a. Process
b. Triangulation
c. Saturation
d. Smaller
A mixed method approach is sometimes also called ___________,and can improve reliability and validity. (pg 86)
a. Process
b. Triangulation
c. Saturation
d. Smaller
Qualitative research explores __________ samples andunstructured methods.
a. Process
b. Larger
c. Saturation
d. Smaller
Quantitative research which involves ___________ samples andstandardized measures.
a. Process
b. Larger
c. Saturation
d. Smaller
__________ is defined as the ability to yield the same resultsin repeated studies which is difficult in qualitative research. (pg87)
2 points
a. Reliability
b. Saturation
c. Interviews
d. Ethnography
_____________ is a combination of interviews, observations, andcase studies with an emphasis on the relationship between behaviorand culture. (pg 91)
a. Reliability
b. Saturation
c. Interviews
d. Ethnography
Qualitative data results can be used to formulate researchquestions, and can also: (pg 85)
a) guide the foundation for further research
b) predict and confirm ideas
c) generalize the results of other research
d) All of the above are true