Read each scenario. Make a list of possible answers or solutionsfor each.
1. Mrs. Frank a 68-year-old female with Osteoporosis has justbeen discharged from a rehab facility. Mrs. Frank fell, sustaininga wrist fracture, while trying to tend to her household chores. Youare the PSW assigned to Mrs. Franks case. Mrs. Frank Has neverheard of a PSW and is unsure of what a PSWs roles include.
a. Explain to Mrs. Frank how many responsibilities thereare?
b. List the responsibilities?
c. Explain to Mr. Frank how you will be applying DIPPS in caringfor him.
2. You are a newly graduated PSW from Centennial College! Youmost recently applied for a position in a retirement facility andreceived an interview! During your interview, you are feeling bothexcited and anxious. The interviewer proceeds to ask you thefollowing questions to further understand your knowledge base.
a. The Interviewer asks you to list Healthcare Ethics?
b. Furthermore, provide an example of each Healthcare Ethic?
c. Define Delegation?
d. Before Delegation can occur what, must be considered?
e. The interviewer ask you your understanding of patient’sprivacy.
f. The interviewer ask you what you understand about theCanadian Charter of rights.
g. The interviewer ask you if you know the name and role of allthe other allied health care worker you will be working with.