Read the following abstract which summarizes aprognostic study.
There is limited knowledge on prognostic factors for developingchronic low back pain (LBP) at an early stage of LBP. Theobjectives of this study were to investigate the clinical course ofpain and disability, and prognostic factors for non-recovery after1-year, in patients seeking help for the first time due to acuteLBP. An inception cohort study included 123 patients with acute LBPlasting less than 3 weeks and consulting primary care for the firsttime. Main outcome measures were pain intensity, Roland-Morrisdisability questionnaire (RMQ), and sickness absence. Elevenpatients (9%) did not return for the 12-month follow-up. There werelarge and significant reductions in pain intensity (P<0.001) andRMQ scores (P<0.001) during follow-up. Patients withneurological signs showed significantly less improvement in pain(P=0.001) and RMQ (P=0.004) compared with those withoutneurological signs. The proportions with sickness absence due toLBP at 6, 9, and 12 months were 7%, 8%, and 9%, respectively. At 12months, 17% of patients had not fully recovered. Multivariatelogistic regression analyses showed that high scores on apsychosocial screening (acute low back pain screeningquestionnaire) and emotional distress (Hopkin’s symptom check list)were significantly associated with non-recovery at 12 months, withodds ratios of 4.4 (95% confidence interval 1.1-17.4) and 3.3(1.1-10.2), respectively.
Grotle M, Brox JI, Glomsrød B, Lønn JH, Vøllestad NK.Prognostic factors in first-time care seekers due to acute low backpain. Eur J Pain 2007; 11(3):290-8.
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