Read the following case study, and then formulate risk, andactual nursing diagnoses and identify collaborative problems forthe client and his wife.

Mr. R. aged 74, has had Parkinson’s disease for more than 10years. His primary caregiver is his wife of 52 years, who is ingood health except for rheumatoid arthritis. The couple’s grownsons live in another state but visit the family once a year duringChristmas holidays. Recently, Mr. R. has experienced a greaterdegree of twitching in his arms. He slurs his speech and isdifficult to understand at times. He and his wife had enjoyed awide range of activities, such as bowling, going to the movies, andtrying new restaurants. However, since his condition hasdeteriorated they rarely leave the house. Mr. R. has alsoexperienced difficulty walking and getting up from the bed orchair. His wife must assist him in all activities of dailyliving.

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