Rebecca is a 15-year-old girl who was admitted for new onsetdiabetes. She is stable and just needs teaching so she can gohome.
1. Describe Rebecca’s development in terms of Erikson’s stage ofpsychosocial development
2. Describe Rebecca’s development in terms of Piaget’s stage ofcognitive development
3. You will need to perform an assessment and obtain vitalsigns, but Rebecca is asleep when you enter the room because shestayed up until 2 AM talking to her friends. What is your plan toget your job done?
4. Rebecca’s breakfast is here! She needs to check her bloodsugar and give herself insulin before she eats, but she is nervous.How would you help her through the process?
5. Rebecca expressed concerns about what her friends will thinknow that she has diabetes. How would you help her explain this toher friends?