Sara Haines Cushingsyndrome case study

Sara Haines is a 38-year-old who runs Grand Central Restaurant atToowoomba shopping centre.She presented to St Vincent’s Private Hospital, Toowoombacomplaining of drastic weight gain over six months, significantfacial hair growth, menstrual abnormalities, and both excessivethirst and appetite. Recently, Sara also feels dull and depressed,does not have much energy, and has stopped performing allher favourite activities including tennis at Action Indoor SportsStadium.

Sara is a successful and busy business person in Toowoomba, never smoked and only consumes alcohol in moderationat social events. She has several allergies (House dust mites,cockroaches, and dog’s dander) and is not taking any medicationsother than a daily multivitamin tablet and betamethasone (asneeded) for her asthma (used for many years). On clinicalexamination, the clinician, Dr John Smith noticed protuberant withstriae and minimal bruising in her abdomen, and no abdominaltenderness, and both upper and lower extremities show areas ofhyperpigmentation. Laboratory results confirmed that her cortisollevels were high indicating Cushing syndrome.

1.Explain the causative factors and pathophysiology of Cushingsyndrome and how she developed this condition.
2.Describe the primary signs and symptoms of Cushingsyndrome.
3.What aspects of her clinical history place Sara at increased riskof hypertension and, briefly explain the difference between Graves’disease and Cushing syndrome.
4.What treatment and follow up options are there for hercondition?

5.Identify 10 nursing diagnosis and work out one careplan
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