Mary Nanu is anAboriginal woman. She recently left the hostel without notice andwas missing for almost a week and had taken no medication with her.The police were notified but were unable to locate her. When shereturned she said that she had gone to a relative’s funeral in thecountry. Staff were very angry with her.
“Does she thinkthat it’s okay to go on a walkabout!” “These people are all thesame, totally unreliable. “She’s not even a real Aborigine”.”Whenever you try to talk to her, she just hangs her head and neverlooks you straight in the eye – you can’t trust people likethat.”
Mary is in her early 60’s. She grew up in Redfern, a suburbof Sydney and attended school up to year 8. She is married to anEnglish born truck driver and has 6 children between the ages of 38and 45 years. Mary has Emphysema and Diabetes, which is not wellcontrolled, and she insists on eating cakes and biscuits, which herfamily brings in.
1. How could you assist to provide a workplace that isculturally and psychologically safe for Mary?
2. Who could you speak with to gain a better understanding ofMary’s needs?
3. Do you think the workers are fair in the way they are talkingabout Mary? Explain your answer.
4.) The workers appear to have limitations about theirunderstanding of the Aboriginal people. What would you advise themto do?