Scenario:  Michael McGuire, CMA(AAMA), works for a primary care physician, Dr. John Samuelson, inthe small town in which Michael grew up. Dr. Samuelson’s practiceis open to all patients, but a large number of individuals withrespiratory disease seek his help in managing their pulmonaryproblems. In the 6 months since he started with the practice,Michael has learned how to assist with pulmonary diagnostic testsand the special needs of patients with respiratory diseases.Michael has become familiar with the diagnosis and treatment ofcommon pulmonary problems and adept at using the practice’s newelectronic health records (EHR) system. The office manager recentlyasked Michael to help her orient the staff to the new system sothey are able to document respiratory system signs, symptoms, anddiagnostic studies accurately. The main employers in the communityare coal mining and construction companies, so many patients are atrisk for occupation-related respiratory problems.

  1. What are the common pathologicconditions of the pulmonary system? What medical terms must Michaelknow to identify and explain these patient disorders?
  2. What are the medical assistant’s primaryresponsibilities in working with patients with pulmonaryproblems?
  3. What clinical skills are required inthis specialty practice?
  4. What pulmonary complications areassociated with smoking and occupational respiratory hazards?
  5. What diagnostic and treatment procedurestypically are ordered for patients with pulmonary disease?
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