Scenario:  Sara Ricci, CMA (AAMA),who has 10 years of experience, works for Dr. Samuel Fineman, aurologist who also manages male reproductive disorders. Dr. Finemanrelies on Sara to handle telephone calls from patients, to have aclear understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the renalsystem, and to assist him in the clinical area of the practice.Although Sara has worked for Dr. Fineman for almost 2 years,occasionally problems still arise that she is not sure how tomanage. Sara attends workshops and conferences to earn continuingeducation units to maintain her CMA credential and tries to choosetopics that focus on urologic issues. In addition, she keeps up todate on new diagnostic procedures and treatments for sexuallytransmitted infections (STIs), including human immunodeficiencyvirus (HIV) infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS). Sara helps train other medical assistants in the practiceand makes sure adequate patient education supplies are availablefor self-testicular examination.

  1. What is the basic anatomy and physiologyof the renal and male reproductive systems?
  2. What should Sara know about common adultand pediatric urologic disorders so that she can both assist theprovider in the practice and answer patients’ questions?
  3. What are some of the pathologic genitalconditions seen in men?
  4. What are the typical signs, symptoms,and treatments for sexually transmitted infections in men?
  5. How can Sara provide patient educationand support for individuals with renal and male reproductive systemdisorders?

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