SECTION ATTEMPT ALL OUESTIONS 1 Adjo, three year old girl wat ditted to your hospital with a diso Meningitis A Outline the (5undefined

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SECTION ATTEMPT ALL OUESTIONS 1 Adjo, three year old girl wat ditted to your hospital with a diso Meningitis A Outline the (5) neurologic sum ond symptoms that may not with Outline the nursing matement of Ajit under the following leading Rest and sleep Infection prevention Observation Explain how the following factors can impact on the othed development of Adjon Genetics Environmental 2. Nutritional iv. Socio-cultural 2. A two day old baby has been adoitted to your facility. Laboratory imestigation unconjugated bilirubin level of 630mmolPhysical assesment vala yellowish discolouration of her skin and eyes. A. Whilst other laboratory investigation would be conducted to confirm your age What other signs and symptoms will the baby present State ten (10) most common causes or predisposing factors of neonatalji D. What are the management and precautions you would take during phototheray 10 1 Kafi, a ten (10) year old boy has been admitted to your facility. The mother look and disturbed and uncooperative Information from Kofi’s folder shows that he was EXAMINER DIARATIBUAH MARRO
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