Selection bias is systematic error in the selection or retentionof participants. There are several mechanisms that can produce thisunwanted effect (selection bias). Which of the following is NOT acause of selection bias?
Selection of a comparison group (“controls”) that is notrepresentative of the population that produced the cases in acase-control study. |
Differential loss to follow up in a cohort study, such that thelikelihood of being lost to follow up is related to outcome statusand exposure status. |
Using the general population as a comparison group for anoccupational cohort study |
When there are systematic differences in the way subjectsremember or report exposures or outcomes |
What is the key feature of an analytic study design (best way totell that it is not a descriptive study)?
Using random digit dialing to interview people |
Inclusion of a comparison group |
Being accepted into a peer-reviewed journal |
When the researcher does not influence/manipulate theexposure/risk factor |
Which of the following techniques is NOT a way to reduceinterview bias during a study?
Use standardized questionnaires consisting of closed-end, easyto understand questions with appropriate response options. |
Train all interviewers to adhere to the question and answerformat strictly, with the same degree of questioning for both casesand controls. |
Review cases’ medical records more closely when performing chartreviews, compared to when reviewing control records. |
Obtain data or verify data by examining pre-existing records(e.g., medical records or employment records) or assessingbiomarkers. |
What is a disadvantage of a prospective cohortstudy?
They are not good for rare diseases. |
They are not good for diseases with short latency periods. |
You cannot calculate incidence. |
They are not good for assessing rare exposures. |