Situation: Green Jardeois a 55-year old Native American man who was admitted to thehospital with a stroke with mild left hemiplegia 2 weeks ago. Hehad a head computed tomography scan and received thrombolytictherapy in the emergency department. He has been stable and wastransferred to a transitional care unit this afternoon. He has hadphysical therapy twice per day and is regaining somestrength.

Background: He has a history of hypertension, coronary arterydisease, and diabetes mellitus type 2. He has smoked over a packper day for the past 35 years and does not exercise.

Assessment: His vital signs are stable, and he is able to ambulatewith his walker and the help of one person. His neurological checksare stable, and he continues to have mild left hemiplegia. His handgrasps are almost equal but a little weaker on the left side. Hispupils are equal and react to light. His swallow reflex is intact.He is oriented to person, place, and time. I have done a Morse FallRisk assessment but have not had time to discuss the result withMr.Green

Recommendation: You should perform a musculoskeletal, reinforce theprinciples of range of motion and mobility, and discuss fall riskwith him.


1-what is the best assessment for Mr.Green and why ?

2- puta good care plan for him as the nurse and take all considerationswith his medical background?

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