Step 1 Complete the scenarios.
  • Read Procedure 16.1 Apply the Patient’s Bill of Rights (Kinn’sMedical Assisting Fundamentals, Chapter 16 page 373)
  • Create a new word processing document to record your answers.
  • Keep in mind that the medical assistant must show sensitivity tothe patient by being respectful and professional.
  • Write a script to include questions asked by the medical assistantand responses to those questions by the patient.  
  • Scenario 1-Choice of treatment
    • Does the patient have any questions about the procedure?
    • Which questions may the patient ask? How does the medical assistantrespond?
    • How and when does the medical assistant notify the physician of thepatients questions?
    • What does the patient want to do? How does the medical assistantrespond?
    • How would the conversation documented in the patient record?
    • Is a specific form used? If so which one?
  • Scenario 2- Consent for treatment
    • When the patient states he cannot receive blood products how canthe medical assistants body language convey disagreement with thepatients decision?
    • How should the medical assistant verbally respond to the patient’sconcern?
    • How and when should the medical assistant notify the physician ofthe patient’s religious beliefs?
    • How would the conversation documented in the patient record?
    • Is a specific form used? If so which one?
  • Scenario 3-Refusal of Treatment
      • How should the medical assistant ask the mother if she has anyquestions about the vaccine?
      • Should a form be given to the mother? If so which one?
      • What does the mother want to do?
      • How should the medical assistant follow up?
      • How and when should the medical assistant notify the physician ofthe vaccine refusal?
      • How would the conversation documented in the patient record?
      • Is a specific form used? If so which one?
    • CAN SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE 🙂 thank you

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