Supervisory Skills:

Your goal for this assignment is to develop and understand jobacquisition and maintaining a position by displaying knowledge ofleadership styles and client care delivery systems utilized in thehealthcare setting. You will be required to submit a resume. Youwill also be required to submit a letter of resignation. You willbe required to complete assignments regarding leadership styles andclient care delivery systems. You must also identify the leadershiproles of the LPN and duties in the acute care and long term carefacility. You will write a 1 paragraph summary on each of thesetopics.

Grading Scale:

Grading Points

Possible Points

Earned Points

Resume & Letter of Resignation


Characterize autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faireleadership styles providing 1 paragraph for each and complete theLeadership Style survey.


Examine client care delivery systems (functional, team, case,and primary) by providing 1 paragraph for each system.


Describe the principles of work ethics as related to working ina leadership role.


Write a paragraph summary of the leadership roles of the LPN inthe acute/long term care facilities.


(5 points will be deducted from each assignment withmisspellings or misuse of grammar/terminology)

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