Question: Suppose you have identified a mutant strain of yeast that cannot
grow without leucine added to th…

Suppose you have identified a mutant strain of yeast that cannot
grow without leucine added to the growth medium. You know that the
leu- phenotype results from a single mutation, but you do not know
where in the yeast genome the mutation occurred. Which of the
following strategies would you use to clone the wild-type gene
corresponding to the mutant allele? Only one answer correct will be
considered correct.

(A) PCR amplification of the gene using flanking primers

(B) screening of a yeast-cDNA expression library using an
antibody probe

(C) complementation of the leu- phenotype with a yeast genomic
plasmid library

(D) hybridization of a DNA probe to a southern blot

(E) hybridization of a DNA probe to a northern blot

(F) screening of a yeast-genomic λ phage library using a DNA

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