T.B. is an 81 yr. old female who is admitted to the hospitalbecause she was feeling weak and lightheaded. Her PMH includesESRD, HTN, DM, PVD, hypothyroidism, dementia w/o behavioraldisturbances, anemia, she ambulates with a cane and she recentlyhad COVID-19. She is dependent on her family to manage her care buther family hasn’t been taking her regularly to the dialysis clinicfor her treatments. She is now receiving dialysis in the hospitaland you have observed her in bed all morning. During your dayshift, she has frequently requested assistance for her ADL’s suchas oral care and bathing in bed because she states that she “can’tget out of bed because it is too difficult” for her. You haveidentified goals for this pt. because the priority pt-centeredproblem for this pt. is:
Nurse dx:
SMART goal:
3 Interventions (with rationale including pt.education):
Reference for at least 1 intervention: