
In this task you will evaluate fourinternet-based information sources relating to COVID-19vaccination. Your evaluation will be presented in the form of aposter (use the template linked below) and willcomprise the following three elements:

1. Analysis of the following:

Covid vaccine update: those that work- and the others on the wayby James Gallagher

How will we know that a Covid-19 vaccine is safe? by Dr LizMumper and the Children’s Health Defense Team

Not sure about the Pfizer vaccine now it has been approved inAustralia? by Associate Professor Archa Fox

Covid-19 vaccine trials should seek worthwhile efficacy byPhilip Krause and others for the WHO Solidarity Vaccines TrialExpert Group

Your analysis of each should consider

  • The source– including intended audience;whether peer reviewed; relevant editorial policy for examplepayment for articles, advertising content.
  • The content – including tone; whetherreferenced; whether and how the quality and sources of informationcan be verified.
  • The author– including qualifications,affiliation/s, other publications.
  • Reliability and validity – how reliable andvalid is each as an information source?

2. Validity and Reliability: definitions,including the importance to your profession when evaluatinginformation.

3. Use APA 7th editionformat formatting for in-text citations on bothpages of your poster, and for your referencelist.  Your reference list is the final sectionof your poster.

In addition to the four sources you are analysing, which youwill need to include in your reference list in APA7th editionformat, you are required to find additional, appropriate sources tosubstantiate your analysis. Here is one to get you started:

Blakemore L.M., Meek S.E.M., Marks L.K. (2020). EquippingLearners to Evaluate Online Health Care Resources: LongitudinalStudy of Learning Design Strategies in a Health Care Massive OpenOnline Course. Journal of Medical Internet Research22(2):e15177

As this is a poster presentation, the emphasis is on identifyingthe key points and presenting this information clearly andconcisely; but remember that ALL sources of information must beacknowledged by an APA 7th edition formatted citation,as well as a corresponding reference list entry.

4. Saving and Submitting

Save and submit your file in .doc or .docx format asfollows: Surname intitial StudentnumberA1HLTH101.docx  eg: Jones M1234500 A1HLTH101.docx


Assessment criteria: marked out of100

You will be assessed on your ability to clearly, concisely andaccurately:

1. Evaluate each of four information sourcesaccording to source, content, author and overall reliability andvalidity (4 x 15 marks);

2. Define reliability and validity and explainwhy each is important to your profession when evaluatinginformation (2 x 10 marks); and

3. Present the findings in posterformat in appropriate tone and language using APA7th edition referencing style including in-textcitations and reference list (20 marks).

HLTH101 Assessment 1 Marking Rubric v2020-21.docx

2 September 2020, 11:02 AM

HLTH101 Assessment 1 template Poster 2021.doc

27 January 2021, 11:54 AM

Gallagher (2021)

Mumper (accessed 27 January 2021)

Fox (2021)

Krause et al (2020)

The Publication:


Peer reviewed?

Editorial policy?



The Content:



Verifiable information?


The Author:



Other publications?




Validity: Definition

Importance to the profession when evaluatinginformation:

Reliability: Definition

Importance to the profession when evaluatinginformation:


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