The article, “The use of information for diabetesresearch and care: patient views in West London,” included manyethical considerations. Ethical considerations include key researchprinciples to ensure that participants are respected and informedconcerning research. Some of these considerations include informedconsent, disclosures regarding privacy and sensitive issues,cultural consideration and vulnerable population protocols. Thisarticle specifically included all of these components as the studywas researching patient’s perspectives on electronic medicalrecords being the source of information regarding Diabetestreatment. The patients received the option to participate and wereinformed of the process and how the information would bedisseminated. Furthermore, researchers provided informed consentand also considered how vulnerable populations could benefit fromthis integrative approach more so than other populations. Ethicalconsiderations are pivotal because it ensures that patients areinformed and have ownership of their care/research process. I thinkthese ethical considerations translate into healthcare services asit ensures that there is confidentiality, honesty and autonomy forpatients.
1. According to the statement above what can you agreeand or disagree? please answer in 150 words.
Research was performed to determine treatment optionin patients that were Jehovah Witness. The ethical considerationincluded choosing participants that did not have judgement on theuse of blood products (Wilop & Osieka, 2018). By choosingparticipants without ethical concerns with blood products assistedwith making the research nonbiased. Ethical considerations areimportant in health care to determine to proper care to give topatients. For example, Jehovah Witness’ do not accept bloodproducts due to religious purposes. With this restriction, it isimportant that health care staff understand optional treatmentoptions and respect their beliefs. It is important that treatmentoptions are performed with individuals with the same background toshow the effectiveness of the treatments. It is important thathealth care staff complete courses on ethics to provide patientswith respect when delivering care.
2. According to the statement above what can you agreeand or disagree? please answer in 150 words.
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