The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifthedition (DSMV) outlines criteria for a substance use disorder (SUD)on a continuum from mild (2-3 symptoms) to moderate (4-5) to severe(6+).  

A) Describe the main factors that the 11 defined criteria for aSUD try to identify.

B) Up to 10 different classes of drugs are recognized by theDSMV, ranging from caffeine to opioids to psychostimulants. Giventhe current criteria, does the legal/societal status of a substanceimpact the likelihood of meeting the minimum requirement fordiagnosis with a SUD? What impact would you expect to see if thenumber of symptoms/criteria required to meet the definition of asubstance use disorder were significantly increased to a minimum of5-6 symptoms for mild and 9+ for severe? Explain your answers.

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