Question: The EcoRI restriction map of the region in which a coat color gene in mice is located is presente…

Question: The EcoRI restriction map of the region in which a coat color gene in mice is located is presente...

Show transcribed image text The EcoRI restriction map of the region in which a coat color gene in mice is located is presented in the figure below. The left-most EcoRI site is arbitrarily labeled 0. and the other distances in kilobases are given relative to this coordinate. Genomic DNA was prepared from one wild-type mouse and 10 mice homozygous for various mutant alleles. This genomic DNA is digested with EcoRI. fractionated on agarose gels, then transferred to nitrocellulose filters. The filters were probed with the radioactive DNA fragment indicated by the purple bar. extending from coordinate 2.6 kb to coordinate 14.5 kb. The resultant audioradiogram is shown schematically. Each one of the 10 mutational lesions described below corresponds to one and only one of the mouse mutant alleles. 1-10. a. point mutation exactly at coordinate 6.8 a point mutation exactly at coordinate 6.9 a deletion between coordinates 10.1 and 10.4 a deletion between coordinates 6.7 and 7.0 insertion of a transposable element at coordinate 6.2 an inversion with breakpoints at coordinates 2.2 and 9.9 a reciprocal translocation with another chromosome a breakpoint at coordinate 10.1 a reciprocal translocation with another chromosome with a breakpoint at coordinate 2.4 a tandem duplication of sequences between coordinates 7.2 and 9.2 a tandem duplication of sequences between coordinates 11.3 and 13.3 Which mutational lesion (a-j) corresponds to each mutant allele (1-10)? Enter your answer as the letters of the mutational lesions in the order of the mutant alleles 1-10. For example, if the mutational lesion In mutant 1 is a, the mutational lesion in mutant 2 is b, the mutational lesion in mutant 3 is c, etc., write abc etc. Do not include any spaces between the letters.

The EcoRI restriction map of the region in which a coat color gene in mice is located is presented in the figure below. The left-most EcoRI site is arbitrarily labeled 0. and the other distances in kilobases are given relative to this coordinate. Genomic DNA was prepared from one wild-type mouse and 10 mice homozygous for various mutant alleles. This genomic DNA is digested with EcoRI. fractionated on agarose gels, then transferred to nitrocellulose filters. The filters were probed with the radioactive DNA fragment indicated by the purple bar. extending from coordinate 2.6 kb to coordinate 14.5 kb. The resultant audioradiogram is shown schematically. Each one of the 10 mutational lesions described below corresponds to one and only one of the mouse mutant alleles. 1-10. a. point mutation exactly at coordinate 6.8 a point mutation exactly at coordinate 6.9 a deletion between coordinates 10.1 and 10.4 a deletion between coordinates 6.7 and 7.0 insertion of a transposable element at coordinate 6.2 an inversion with breakpoints at coordinates 2.2 and 9.9 a reciprocal translocation with another chromosome a breakpoint at coordinate 10.1 a reciprocal translocation with another chromosome with a breakpoint at coordinate 2.4 a tandem duplication of sequences between coordinates 7.2 and 9.2 a tandem duplication of sequences between coordinates 11.3 and 13.3 Which mutational lesion (a-j) corresponds to each mutant allele (1-10)? Enter your answer as the letters of the mutational lesions in the order of the mutant alleles 1-10. For example, if the mutational lesion In mutant 1 is a, the mutational lesion in mutant 2 is b, the mutational lesion in mutant 3 is c, etc., write abc etc. Do not include any spaces between the letters.

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