The mother is17 years old

The mother’s Vital Signs:

T = 97.8 F oral

BP = 122/68

P = 86

RR = 20

O2 Sat = 98% (room air)

Pain Level = 2/10; uterine cramping

Heart sounds: Regular

Lung sounds: Clear

Breasts: Full; no tenderness; no masses Fundus:Mild contractions noted every 5 minutes

Cervix dilated 3 cm; 50% effaced

Bowel sounds: Active

Bladder: Non-distended

No hemorrhoids

Extremities: Mild bilateral edema of lowerextremities

   §   Pulses: 2+ and equal

Patient’s speech: Clear, anxious

1- Explain why the maternal history (both past and present)are important.

2- Name one psycho-social nursing diagnosis includingone short term goal and 3 nursing interventions that would be apriority for this 17-year-old patient.

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