The time is 1600 and you are working the Med/Surg floor. You aretaking care of E.J., a 45 y.o. female who is post-op for apapillary tumor of her thyroid gland; she received a totalthyroidectomy a couple of hours ago. She has a history of seasonalasthma and goiters. She has a cover dressing with a Penrose drainand has a Piv access in the right upper arm with IVF LR 100 ml/hrrunning. She calls you and complains of pain, numbness and tinglingof her hands, feet, and lips. She’s having swallowing difficultiesand her voice has changed.

  1. What is the highest priority nursing intervention for thissituation and why?
  2. What would you want to recommend to the physician as far asorders and interventions?
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