answer questions to the followinf scenrio
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THE TWO WEBSITES (CDC AND MAYO CLINIC) BELOW TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Scenario . my and Eric are a young working couple should take their children to day care as usual the following day, they discovered that they style. They have good-paying jobs, drive nice had many unanswered questions. How seri- cars, are buying a home in a good neigh- ous is hepatitis? What is the likelihood that borhood, and have two healthy preschool their children will be at serious risk for getting children. When Amy picked her children up the disease? What steps are being taken to from day care earlier in the day she learned control the outbreak? Is any state or local from the head teacher that another parent agency responsible for standardizing health had reported that his child was diagnosed practices at private day care centers in the with hepatitis. This news frightened Amy community? Does the city, county, or state and made her begin to question the qual- carry out any type of inspection when they ity of the day care center. Amy told Eric of license these facilities? And, if the children do this situation when he got home from work not attend day care, which parent will stay As the couple discussed whether or not the home with them? 1. Based on the information you found on the internet, if you were Amy or Eric would you take your children to the day care center the next day? Why or why not? 2 Do you believe the hepatitis problem in day care centers is a personal health concern or a community health concern? Why? 3. Which of the factors noted in this chapter that affect the health of a community play a part in the hepatitis problem faced by Amy and Eric? 4. Why does the hepatitis problem remind us of the health problems faced by people in this country prior to 1900? 5. Under which of the focus areas in the Healthy People 2020 would hepatitis fall? Why? • Submit assignment through the Submit Assignment link above • Do not include the question for Web/Video Assignments • Your response should be 400 words or more in paragraph form • Points will be deducted for spelling/grammar/punctuation errors • Use multiple paragraphs in essay format. • Submit your answers as a file upload as a Doc or Docx (preferred for ease of feedback) or you can submit as a text entry • If you use Google Docs, save as PDF and submit that. • Cannot accept assignments submitted in Pages or Zip files. • Use the rubric below as a guide when completing assignments and when you receive points to see feedback
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