There are three conditions that must be present for confoundingto occur. Which of the following is NOT one of those threeconditions?
The confounding factor must be associated with both the riskfactor of interest and the outcome. |
The confounding factor must be distributed unequally among thegroups being compared. |
A confounder cannot be an intermediary step in the causalpathway from the exposure of interest to the outcome of interest(this determination is more biological and conceptual). |
The sample size must not be small small in order to avoid themeasure of association (OR, RR) not being as precise. |
2. What is an advantage of a case-control study?
Allows you to calculate relative risk |
Less costly and less time-consuming (compared to cohortstudies) |
Allows for the assessment of rare exposures |
Allows for the examination of multiple effects of a singleexposure |