there is a distinct interconnectedness between mental health andhealth in general . This mind/body split or “mind-body dualism” canbe traced to the French philosopher Rene Descartes. In his 1649thesis Les Passions, he expounds upon his conclusion that thenature of the mind is completely different from that of the body,and therefore, it is possible for one to exist without the other.This argument gives rise to the famous problem of mind-body causalinteraction still debated today: how can the mind cause some of ourbodily limbs to move, and how can the body’s sense organs causesensations in the mind when their natures are completelydifferent?
Most mental health providers today would argue that it isimpossible to separate the mind and body. One impacts the other ona continual basis. When we are under a great deal of stress, ourbody begins to show the impact. This can include everything fromgray hair to ulcers to cancer. And, when the body is rested, wellfed, hydrated, and comfortable, the mind tends to respondpositively with elevated mood and decreased anxiety levels.
From your personal experiences, why do you believe the mind/bodysplit is still being discussed? Why would it be preferable to seethe two as separate entities?