This subject is all about Fundamentals of Nursing Practice.Please provide more explanation, information, discussion, andjustification on each number or question. Thank you and Godbless.

  1. Enumerate and explain the three factors that affects health andillness of an individual then give an example on each of thefactors. Discuss, support, justify and explain your answer. I needmore explanation and discussion.
  2. Compare and contrast the professional and lay definitions ofboth health and illness. One for health and another for illness.Discuss, support, justify and explain your answer. I need moreexplanation and discussion.
  3. What are the similarities and differences among the threecaring practice models? (Caring Practice Models: Transcultural CareTheory, Human Caring Theory, and Benner’s Novice to Expert Theory).Discuss, support, justify and explain your answer. I need moreexplanation and discussion.
  4. Situation: Pi-Ching, 65 years old- a tourist from the mainlandof China- suffered bruises in her forehead and a fracture in herleft tibia after falling from a cliff during their hiking. Herdaughter said that her mother is experiencing headache anddizziness with mild confusion. Pi-Ching was admitted and hasundergone swabbing. Unfortunately, she tested positive withCovid-19 so she was isolated. The only language she knows isMandarin. The nurse is having trouble communicating with her thoughshe still took care of her needs. She still talks to the patienteven she knows that she does not understand the language. She evengoogles some words that are related to the situation of herpatient. The nurse makes sure that all the needs of the patient arebeing taken cared of- ensuring the safety and comfort- at alltimes. Question: Identify at least two C’s from the 6 C’s of caringthat is seen from the above situation. Explain its connection.Discuss, support, justify and explain your answer. I need moreexplanation and discussion.
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