This subject is all about Fundamentals of Nursing Practice.Please provide more explanation, information, discussion, andjustification on each number or question. Thank you and Godbless.
Instruction: Read and analyze each situation then distinguishwhat role or expanded role of nurses are being implied. Choose youranswer below.
- Care provider
- Teacher
- Counselor
- Client advocate
- Nurse practitioner
- Clinical specialist
- Nursemidwife
- Nurse anesthetist
- Change agent
- Manager
- Researcher
- Nurse educator
- Nurse Elena just finished her master’s degree and she is soproud that she gained more knowledge that will enhance her clinicalspecialty.
- Briana, 18 years old is to be discharged. Nurse Andy gave theprescription of the medications that the patient needs to take.Briana asked what are those for? Nurse Andy took time to explainwhat are the medications for and she also added the importance ofreligiously taking the medications and coming for follow-up on ascheduled date.
- Diana is a nurse assigned at barangay San Isidro and she hasidentified a client who is at risk for stroke. She made anutritious diet and physical activities for the client to lessenthe risk of stroke.
- You are having your duty at the ER. A 75-year-old patient fromKalinga is being interviewed. You noticed that the nurse is havingdifficulty of communicating with the patient because the patientcannot speak in kankanaey nor understands English, Ilocano orTagalog. You went in and help explain the procedure to the patientbecause you can understand and speak her language.
- Nurse Trisha is functioning more independence and autonomy thanthe other nurses. She can handle minor health problemsskillfully.
- Alyssa is grieving after knowing that she had miscarriagefollowing a vehicular accident. She expressed that she does nothave the reason to live anymore. The nurse shared that she hadexperience the same few years ago. She then went on and give Alyssathe things she did to cope up with the devastating situation.
- Nurse Adriane is providing general anesthesia for patient Dundywho is to undergo appendectomy under the supervision of aphysician.
- The OPD department is preparing a surprise for a doctor who isretiring. Nurse Tina divided all the work to be done and gave it tothe other nurses. As the work progresses, she is there to overseetheir work.
- Nurse Darieanne wants to help develop knowledge about healthand the promotion of health over the full lifespan of an individualso she is spending hours and hours at the library.
- Nurse Joana’s daily activity includes performing pap smears,breast examinations and even assisting clients with familyplanning.
- Situation: Pi-Ching, 65 years old- a tourist from the mainlandof China- suffered bruises in her forehead and a fracture in herleft tibia after falling from a cliff during their hiking. Herdaughter said that her mother is experiencing headache anddizziness with mild confusion. Pi-Ching was admitted and hasundergone swabbing. Unfortunately, she tested positive withCovid-19 so she was isolated. The only language she knows isMandarin. The nurse is having trouble communicating with her thoughshe still took care of her needs. She still talks to the patienteven she knows that she does not understand the language. She evengoogles some words that are related to the situation of herpatient. The nurse makes sure that all the needs of the patient arebeing taken cared of- ensuring the safety and comfort- at alltimes.
Question: Identify at least two C’sfrom the 6 C’s of caring that is seen from the above situation.Explain its connection. Discuss, support, justify and explain youranswer. I need more explanation and discussion.
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