This subject is all about Health Education in Nursing. Pleaseprovide more explanation, information, discussion, andjustification on each number or question. Thank you and Godbless.

Case Study: Suppose that the nursing unit supervisor, Mr. Boss,has asked you to set up an education class at a satellite clinic ofthe hospital for patients who were recently diagnosed withdiabetes. Time is of the essence, and you have three 1-hoursessions plan to cover the basic information that the patients needto learn for proper management of their diabetes. Mr. Bossmentioned to you that several of the patients who will be in theclass are concerned about their ability to successfully managetheir disease. Grace, one of the patients, told him, “I amterrified. Learning to live with this disease is overwhelming tome. I can’t imagine I will ever be able to have a normal lifeagain. I worry that my relationship with my family and friends willsuffer.”


  1. Judge which learning theory can best assist you in addressingthe issue the patients raise about their ability to successfullymanage their disease and to cope with their feelings of beingoverwhelmed. Discuss, support, justify and explain your answer. Ineed more explanation and discussion.
  2. Explain and justify why did you choose this theory? Discuss,support, justify and explain your answer. I need more explanationand discussion.
  3. What can you do to ensure that learning will become relativelypermanent? Discuss, support, justify and explain your answer. Ineed more explanation and discussion.
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