Thomas, a 41 year old male has complaints of intermittent:shortness of breath, lightheadedness, dizziness, feeling his heartracing, tiredness, weakness, and difficulty exercising. He has a BPcuff at home and takes his BP daily, it averages 136/90 mm/hg. Whenhe feels his heart racing, he takes his BP and notes that it isusually elevated during his symptoms averaging 146/96.

1. Given the symptoms displayed what cardiac issue do you thinkThomas is experiencing? Explain your theory/hypothesis and what ishappening physiologically with your proposed cardiac condition

2. Thomas has put on about 15 pounds during the past year. Hisphysician recommended changes to his diet and adding exercise todecrease his newly added scale weight to see if it lowers his bloodpressure and reduces his symptoms. Thomas has been riding astationary bike and he notices this sometimes makes his symptomsworse. Explain why this might be the case (tying it to theunderlying condition you suspect he is dealing with).

3. Since his symptoms are not resolving, Thomas goes to see hisphysician. She runs a resting 12 lead EKG in the office and hisresults look like this: mucha Annheid mwhiteww handhan why

Explain what is happening in the Pand I waves and the QRS (5points). Does this corroborate your theory from 1, explain why orwhy not

4. What are risks of leaving this condition untreated orineffectively treated? List at least 3 interventions for thiscondition. For each intervention explain the physiology of why theintervention would have efficacy for the cardiac condition

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mucha Annheid mwhiteww handhan why
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