Two women ingest different diets, and as a result havedifferent urinary solute excretion rates. In order to maintainsolute balance on her diet, woman A excretes 400 mOsmoles/day ofsolute, while woman B excretes 1,000 mOsmoles/day of solute. Bothwomen have normal renal function, and can excrete urine with anosmolality ranging between 50 mOsm/kg H2O and 1,200mOsm/kg H2O.Two women ingest different diets, and as aresult have different urinary solute excretion rates. In order tomaintain solute balance on her diet, woman A excretes 400mOsmoles/day of solute, while woman B excretes 1,000 mOsmoles/dayof solute. Both women have normal renal function, and can excreteurine with an osmolality ranging between 50 mOsm/kg H2Oand 1,200 mOsm/kg H2O.
The general formula used to calculate the range of urine volume is : Urine volume= mOsmoles excreted/urine osmolality The units will be kg and 1 L of water weighs 1 kg so the final units can be L or kg Calculate the range of urine volume for these 2 women and place in the Table 2 pts Maximum urine volume Minimum urine volume Woman A Women B Check Answer If both of these women were given 10L of water to drink, which women is going to experience hyponatremia?l 1 pts Woman A O Woman B Check Answer
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