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2. Obtain height and weight on four (4) individuals and use the equations provided in chapter 8 to calculate their BMI. Use both the metric equation and the non-metric equation. (16pts) 236 Part III: Assessment of Physical Activity and Fitness TABLE 8.16 Estimates of DXA Percent Fat for Men for the Sum of Chest, Abdomen, and Thigh Skinfolds by Race/Ethnic Group Percent Fat (%) by Racel Ethnicity 23 Skinfolds NH-White! (mm) Hispanic NH-Black 10 15.1 13.9 50 17.3 Triceps. A vertical fold on the posterior midline of the upper arm (over the triceps muscle), halfway between the acromion and olecranon processes the elbow should be extended and relaxed. Subscapula: A fold taken on a diagonal line coming from the vertebral border to 1-2 cm from the inferior angle of the scapula. Abdomet: A vertical fold taken at a lateral distance of approximately 2 cm from the umbilicus. Supralium: A diagonal fold above the crest of the ilium at the spot where an imaginary line would come down from the anterior axillary line Thighe A vertical fold on the anterior aspect of the thigh midway between hip and knee joints 162 60 195 70 20.5 21.6 235 NO 90 25.4 24.3 100 110 120 288 30.4 SUMMARY 1.30 319 140 321 ISO 314 HA 160 120 25.2 MX 37 3.6 3775 190 200 210 100 9 Body composition is an important fitness com ponent for health and athletic performance Body mass index (BMI), the ratio of weight and height is a common method used to evaluate body com- position. In adults. Overweight is defined as a BMI of 250-299 kg.mobesity is defined as a BMI of 2100 kg m BMI is commonly used by public health specialists to evaluate health risk. HMI Weight status levels linked with health risk include not only overweight and obes, but also underweight defined BMI of 185 kg mCardiwicular diseases diabetes and breast cancer of adults are associated with the channulation of body tat. Due to growth and development the crite to detine Mweight status in children differ y ses din children ages 2-19 years BMI 5th percentile and 9th percentile, Obrey BMI oth pentile for chdress theme and 220 403 40 Chest dugnal fold taken half the distance between the antillan line and the nipple for men and once third of the distance from the hearyline to the nipples for women 70 21.6 2015 2305 ובר imaginary line would come down from the anterior axillary line. Thigh: A vertical fold on the anterior aspect of the thigh midway between hip and knee joints. 90 25/ 100 27.2 110 28 243 26.1 27.7 29.3 30.8 120 30.4 SUMMARY 1.30 31.9 140 33.3 32.1 150 345 334 4.6 160 170 357 36.8 TRO 35.7 36.6 37.5 38.3 37.7 38.6 39.4 190 200 40.0 210 220 38.9 39.5 40.6 Body composition is an important fitness com- ponent for health and athletic performance. Body mass index (BMI), the ratio of weight and height is a common method used to evaluate body com- position. In adults, overweight is defined BMI of 25.0-299 kg-m’obesity is defined as a BMI of 230.0 kg – ml BMI is commonly used by public health specialists to evaluate health risk. BMI weight status levels linked with health risk include not only werweight and obese, but also underweight, defined as a BMI of S 18.5 kg. m. Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and breast cancer of adults are associated with the excessive accumulation of body fat. Due to growth and development, the crite ra used to define BMI weight status in children differ by sex and age. In children ages 2-19 years. overweight is a BMI 2 85th percentile und <95th percentile. Obesity is a BMI 295th percentile for children of the same age and sex Although BMI is often used to assess overweight and obesity its limitation is that it does not differ entiate between fat and fat-free weight. Percent fat 230 41.1 40.0 Chest: A diagonal fold taken half the distance between the anterior axillary line and the nipple for men and one third of the distance from the anterior axillary line to the nipple for women, Axillarys A vertical fold on the midaxillary line at the level of the xiphold process of the sternum Chapter 8: Body Composition 257 provides the capability to partition body weight composition. The limitation of these methods is into its fat and fat-free components. Although that they are time-consuming thus making it dif percent fat is more accurate than BMI in assessingficult to use them for mass testing. overweight and obesity, specialized equipment and Body composition field methods provide a trained personnel are required to measure percent means to measure percent fat in field settings. The fat. Hydrodensitometry (ie, underwater weigh Jackson Pollock generalized equations provide ing) was a common laboratory method used to accurate estimates of percent fit measured by the measure body density fie ratio of body volume laboratory underwater weighing method using the and dry land weight). Body density can be validly sum of three skinfold measures and age. A limita assessed by underwater weighing and by the BOD tion of the Jackson Pollock equations is they were POD. Once density is known, standard equations developed using mostly White men and women. are available to convert body density to percent More recently, race/ethnic group prediction med ledy fat. These calculations are based on assump els have been published using DX as the labora tions that the density of fat mass is 0.90 g ce and tory perdent fat measure. The measures used in the that of fat-free weight is These estimates prediction models were the sum of the skinfolds. of density may vary somewhat among individuals BMI, and self-report race/ethnk group member which introduces biological errors in calculating ship. The standard errors of measurement for these percent body tal, especially for children, older prediction equations were 3024 fat for men adults, and different racial groups 615 fat for women. With welovera hundred pre- Underwater weighing BOD POD and DXA diction equations published. these prediction errors are very accurate laboratory measures of body are among the lowest reported in the literature,
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