1. What are the two main questions this talk is looking at?
  1. What are the three modes of transmission Dr Ewald isconsidering?


  1. Which one(s) DO NOT rely on a healthy host?

  1. As the reliance on waterborne transmission increases (x-axis)the mortality (y-axis) ___________ increases / decreases
  2. Which disease does he consider first?

  1. How does the microbe V.cholerae cause the disease (i.ewhat are its virulence factors)?

  1. Match the country to the level of water protection they have.
    1. Peru                                        High
    2. Ecuador                                  Low
    3. Chile                                       Medium

  1. In which country would you expect evolution towards a ‘moretoxic’ cholera?
  1. In which country would you expect evolution towards a more mildcholera?
  1. What are the two section pressures Dr Ewald isconsidering?
    1. New vaccination
    2. Protected water supplies / transmission method
    3. Antibiotic exposure
    4. Microbial antagonism

  1. Increased virulence ___________________ the selection pressurefor antibiotic resistance. Increases / decreases
  2. Does the data show evolution towards increased antibioticresistance in more virulent strains?

Y or N

  1. How can we try to get malaria to evolve towards a more mildstrain?
    1. Mosquito proof houses and hospitals
    2. Clean up water supplies
    3. Vaccinate

  1. Why would ONLY mild varieties be transmitted?
    1. Healthy enough to walk outside and be bitten
    2. Sick people stay in mosquito proof houses
    3. All of above

  1. How many people in the ‘study site’ of Northern Alabama wereinfected with malaria?
  1. Did mosquito proofing houses work? Y or N
  2. Where might this work to eradicate malaria? Circle all thatapply
    1. Low biting densities
    2. Fringe of malarial zone
    3. High biting densities

  1. Where might this favour evolution towards mildness?
    1. Low biting densities
    2. Fringe of malarial zone
    3. High biting densities
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