- What are your initial priorities for each one of thesepatients?
- What information would you need to obtain on assessment of eachof these patients
- What medications (classifications) do you anticipate finding oneach patients MAR?
82 year old patient with GI bleed; Dr.Butts
The aide tells you that she just got this patient back to bedafter needing to use the bathroom. The patient was weak and shakyon the way back to bed, stating he thought he was going to passout. Now feels better after lying down. His vitals werestable at midnight.
44 year old patient 3days s/p colectomy; Dr.Kuttem
The aide comes to tell you that the patient’s vital signs arereally different than when she took them at midnight. Thetemperature is now 103.8 with a pulse of 126.
57 year old patient with chronic pancreatitis; Dr.Paenfle
The aide comes to tell you that your patient is getting dressedin the room and says he is ‘going home’ because he can’t get enoughpain relief here. You are unable to give more pain medication atthis time. The patient wants to sign out AMA unless something isdone.
68 year old patient with newly diagnosed Type II DM; Dr.Sweeten
The aide comes to tell you that the patient’s CBG is 408 and thepatient is really sleepy. You have an order for sliding scaleinsulin coverage but the order says to notify the MD for any bloodglucose > 400.