- What exactly did Thalidomide do to the developingFetus? Be specific.
- How soon in the use of Thalidomide did the makers ofthe drug (Distillers) realize that the drug caused birthdefects?
- What type of birth defects were the babies bornwith?
- What was the attitude of the Dr.s and medical communityat first towards the babies born with Thalidomide birth defects?What was your reaction to this while you watched themovie?
- Imagine for a minute you are living in at the beginningof the Thalidomide era in the professional field you are currentlyworking towards with your degree. You know Thalidomide is bad, youknow what it is doing to babies, you know they are still giving itto pregnant women. What would do?
- Again, imagine for a minute you are living in at thebeginning of the Thalidomide era in the professional field you arecurrently working towards with your degree. What would you need todo in your profession to accommodate for a child that is disabledfrom exposure to Thalidomide during prenataldevelopment?
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